Together we bring
digital innovation to the German healthcare system

Our goal is to sustainably realize the synergy potential of digitalization in patient care.

About DHT

Our Vision

The digital health transformation eG (dht) is a cooperative network of hospitals and hospital groups dedicated to addressing the challenges of healthcare digitalization together. Its mission is to identify digital synergies across infrastructures, processes, and services and to implement them collaboratively.

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Service description

The healthcare system faces a range of challenges: workforce shortages, demographic shifts, and new legislation are steadily increasing pressure on healthcare organizations. Digitalization offers immense potential to enhance efficiency and quality in healthcare. However, individual stakeholders often face significant implementation costs and risks. Collaborative approaches can help reduce these burdens and risks for all involved.

By fostering digital synergies, professional networking, and collaborative innovation management, digital health transformation eG enables its members to sustainably harness the full potential of digital transformation.

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Hospitals and hospital groups all deal with similar issues. We all have something to gain from answering them together.

Martin Bosch, Managing Director St. Josefs-Hospital Wiesbaden,
Chairman of the supervisory board digital health transformation.